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  • mcoelho813

DEMENTIA Hospice Dementia Care- JACC Care NJ

Dad took a shower today without a problem. This was a first for us. We are going later for the 2nd vaccine. I pray all goes well. My mom is on hospice. This helps us with some resources. Mom has music therapy that is great. It is 1 x / week. It is so relaxing. The music therapist plays all types of oldies and Irish music. My parents love it. The massage therapist is here for my mom. She is telling my parents about her great-grandfather during wartime. They are listening so intently. It is enjoyable and relaxing to sit back and let someone else talk. We have massage through Hospice. She visits 1 x / week. It is great for my mom. The nurse stops by 1 x / week but is available via text or calls any time.

My dad with Dementia is not on a program but we just applied for JACC. (JACC is a State-funded program that provides a broad array of in-home services to enable an individual, at risk of placement in a nursing facility and who meets income and resource requirements, to remain in his or her community home. By providing a uniquely designed package of supports for the individual, JACC delays or prevents placement in a nursing facility.)

my dad’s hours were decreased on the JACC program to 6/ week

we pay $32/ hour for additional hours to help me with my dad.

I need coverage during the day so I can go to the gym, docto’s appointment, shopping, babysitting my grandchildren.

I have @ 12/ week of hours we pay so I can do what I have to do.

my sister comes over most nights after dinner. It isn’t easy but we are making it.

Bathroom tips



Brush teeth

Oh no!!

5 FIVE Things to make life easier in the bathroom with your Loved One who has Dementia

heat up the bathroom 1st

,make it warm and cozy

I use this heater since it doesn't have a cord

Shower Bombs

bombs help make the shower smell good

The calming bombs help my dad feel calm


warm towels

I heat the towels while he is in the shower and put them in the bathroom before he comes out of the shower

Have all fresh clothing ready in the bathroom for your Loved One to put on after the shower

Use baby shampoo

put it in their hair before they go into the shower

The most important is to be prepared and ready. I keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, shaving cream, comb, and deodorant in a caddy that I bring into the bathroom for after the shower. If I leave items in the bathroom, my dad tales everything and hides items in his bedroom. He has turned into a hoarder.

I shower my dad in the morning. He is more calm and is sometimes more eager to shower early in the day.

Bathing, changing clothes, brushing teeth, and shaving

these things can be difficult things for our loved ones. Everyone will be at a different stage. What works for us right now is ...

I have all my dad‘s toiletries in a little caddy that I carry into the bathroom. It includes his toothbrush, hairbrush razor shaver, deodorant, Cologne moose, and anything else you might need in the bathroom. Then, we go in there. I have a check-off list that I get out. On the list

It starts with

brush your teeth

next shave

next take off your shirt

empty your pockets

takeoff your belt off

Take off your shoes and socks.

Before he goes in the bathroom

I put a clean diaper, clean clothes

I take everything out of the shower except for the shampoo. I

give him a clean towel and I tell him it’s time for a shower. He always says he already showered but I know he didn’t. Then when he gets into the shower I quick grab all his dirty clothes and I put a clean hankie and clean socks in there so he doesn’t put the dirty clothes back on.

For us it’s all about planning. I make sure I have everything in there I try to minimize was in the bathroom so he doesn’t get confused. I try to give him a shower early in the morning when he still in a good mood. If he wakes up in a bad mood I don’t even try to shower him that day. After he gets all changed and he puts his shoes on and we fix his hair then we go in front of my mom and we parade to make a big deal that daddy showered and shaved, brush his teeth and put on his good clothes.

We try everything possible to make it pleasant. Try to simplify the steps. Don’t just say go in the bathroom and get a shower. They don’t understand or remember the steps. You need to break them down as far as you can. You need to make it as simple as you can so they can go in the shower and come back out with the least amount of confusion as possible.


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