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Dementia Bathing Showering Brushing Teeth

Updated: Apr 18, 2023



Brush teeth

Oh no!!

5 FIVE Things to make life easier in the Bathroom with your Loved One who has Dementia

heat up the bathroom 1st

make it warm and cozy

I use this heater since it doesn't have a cord

Shower Bombs

bombs help make the shower smell good

The calming bombs help my dad feel calm


warm towels

I heat the towels while he is in the shower and put them in the bathroom before he comes out of the shower

Have all fresh clothing ready in the bathroom for your Loved One to put on after the shower

Use baby shampoo

put it in their hair before they go into the shower

Showering Tips

The most important is to be prepared and ready. I keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, shaving cream, comb, and deodorant in a caddy that I bring into the bathroom after the shower. If I leave items in the bathroom, my dad tales everything and hides items in his bedroom. He has turned into a hoarder.

I shower my dad in the morning. He is calmer and is sometimes more eager to shower early in the day.

Bathing, changing clothes, brushing teeth, and shaving

These things can be difficult things for our loved ones. Everyone will be at a different stage. What works for us right now is ...


I have all my dad‘s toiletries in a little caddy that I carry into the bathroom. It includes his toothbrush, hairbrush razor shaver, deodorant, Cologne moose, and anything else you might need in the bathroom. Then, we go in there. I have a check-off list that I get out. On the list

It starts with

brush your teeth

next shave

next, take off your shirt

empty your pockets

takeoff your belt off

Take off your shoes and socks.

Before he goes into the bathroom

I put on a clean diaper, clean clothes

I take everything out of the shower except for the shampoo. I

give him a clean towel and I tell him it’s time for a shower. He always says he already showered but I know he didn’t. Then when he gets into the shower I quickly grab all his dirty clothes and I put a clean hankie and clean socks in there so he doesn’t put the dirty clothes back on.

Shower Planning

For us, it’s all about planning. I make sure I have everything in there I try to minimize what was in the bathroom so he doesn’t get confused. I try to give him a shower early in the morning when he is still in a good mood. If he wakes up in a bad mood I don’t even try to shower him that day. After he gets all changed and he puts his shoes on and we fix his hair then we go in front of my mom and we parade to make a big deal that daddy showered and shaved, brush his teeth, and put on his good clothes.

Making Showering Pleasant

We try everything possible to make it pleasant. Try to simplify the steps. Don’t just say go in the bathroom and get a shower. They don’t understand or remember the steps. You need to break them down as far as you can. You need to make it as simple as you can so they can go in the shower and come back out with the least amount of confusion possible.

Tips for bathing a dementia patient

My Dad does not like to bathe or shower. As soon as we say the word, 'shower', he gets agitated and starts to become verbally aggravated. He says he showered yesterday. He says he is clean. It is a chore to get him to bathe. Getting him to sponge bathe is not much easier either. It's such a big deal for us that we write "showered" on the calendar on the days he showers.

What to do in the bathroom to make it more comfortable for the Dementia Patient

My dad says he is cold. He doesn't like to change his clothes or shower. I purchased a heater that plugs into the outlet in the bathroom. It heats the bathroom quickly and to 90• I like this heater because it heats the bathroom quickly and I can see the actual temperature in the room.

I drop in a shower scent to help make the shower smell good and help keep us calm Bombs with Essential Oils

What do I need to gather to shower a dementia patient?

I get everything ready in the bathroom

This is what I gather:

socks- no slip

sneakers- New Balance

shirt with velcro


diaper - we use gray so Dad thinks they are his underwear




shaving cream

blow dryer

belt for pants with velcro

small bowl


spray deodorant

dry shampoo

What are tricks to get him to bathe

I tell him we are going to church and he has to change.

I take his dentures out and place them in a small bowl with efferdent. The dentures soak while we shower and shave.

If this doesn't work, I trim his hair so he sees the hair on himself. I have even dirtied his pants so he sees the dirt on the pant leg and maybe he will shower. Then, I can convince him to undress. I get him undressed in the bathroom.

I keep the directions simple and give him one direction at a time.

I tell him to

Sit on the toilet

kick off his sneakers

remove his socks

stand up and remove his belt

remove his pants

He keeps on his diaper and shirt.

I run the water in the shower. I have him get into the shower and then I tell him to give me his shirt.

I cut his diaper off and tell him to sit on the shower stool in the shower.

What shampoo should I use for my dementia patient?

I put baby shampoo on his head and give him a warm soapy washcloth. I close the shower doors and tell him to wash up. I play music to keep him calm.

This is the time to quickly remove the dirty clothes from the floor and put them in the hamper so he doesn't want to put the dirty clothes.

I put a cup of Epsom salt in the tub and pull up the tub stopper. It fills halfway during his shower. His feet will soak while he is showering. This help keeps his toenails from discoloring, prevents ingrown toenails, and helps his dry skin. It also helps with stress. Sometimes, I put a little bit of vinegar instead of Epsom salt. The vinegar makes your skin feel great. The vinegar with water (1 part vinegar with 2 parts water) can help control infections, neutralize bad odors, soften the skin, hydrate feet, and calm itching.

I get a second washcloth and wash his back. I rinse the shampoo out of his hair.

I rinse his body thoroughly. I dry him with a towel. I dry the back and he dries the front. I get him out of the shower and have him sit on a stool in front of the mirror. I put a towel down on the stool so he stays warm. I turn the blow dryer on and dry his skin and between his toes. I dry his hair a bit. I swivel the blow dryer around so he doesn't get too hot in one spot. Keep the heater on. I put shaving cream on his face and have him shave. I try to make this a pleasant process but quick so he doesn't get angry.

How to shave a dementia patient?

Years ago, I was able to use an electric razor but now his hair is too thick and he has lots of wrinkles.

The electric shave doesn't seem to cut the hair close enough. I put his diaper on and then his pants. I learned a trick. Put his belt on the pants before you put them on him this makes the process of dressing quicker and he doesn't have to fumble for the belt loops. I spray deodorant under his arms, between his toes, and under any fat folds. I put his shirt on and then socks.

What are the secrets to keeping a dementia patient calm during showering time

The key for my dad is to

keep him calm,

keep him from feeling like he might fall,

keep him warm

And that I am calm and not too loud

What to do if my dementia patient refuses to shower?

If he refuses to bathe, use the no-rinse soap and perform a complete sponge bath in the sink or basin. Wash the top section of the body 1st. Use a blow dryer to dry him and keep him warm. Use dry shampoo to itch and clean the scalp. Scrubbing lightly with a brush or comb to help keep dandruff away. The dry shampoo helps comb the hair and keep the hair smelling fresh. Then bathe the bottom area. Rinse the washcloth thoroughly. Wash between the toes. I dry the skin on his feet with a blow dryer. Keeping the wall heater plugged in and the blow dryer to help keep him warm and less agitated. My Dad likes the smells of Eucalyptus and Lavender. I bought them in oils. I put a small drop in the trash can in his bathroom while he showers or bathed and he loves the smell.

I try not to get him completely naked at one time. He feels uncomfortable and cold.

What to do after the shower?

After the shower, I have my dad sit on a stool or use the toilet so he doesn’t get tired Don’t give up! Keep trying different methods !!! I also use spray deodorant so it’s not cold touching him under his underarm. I spray it under his arms, behind his knees, between his toes, and any creases on his body.

I put body lotion on him.

Is there clothing for elderly people to wear?

Cloth the top part of him first.

Using button and Velcro shirts has helped reduce the time to clothe my Dad. He struggles with buttons and zippers.

What is the best way to shave a dementia patient?

He used to use an electric razor but his hairs are too coarse for the razor and he has too many wrinkles to cut close to the skin. I lather him up and hand him the razor. I pull the skin back to help him get a close save. I also have the barber shave him when we get a haircut at the barber. Lastly, brush his teeth. Keep the routine! Being calm and prepared is key!

What is the secret to getting my dementia patient to shower?

SHH ! My Secret is...

Heat up the bathroom

Get everything you need including towels and clothes to put on your dad

Stay calm

If you think this will take 30 minutes- give it 60 minutes

Start early in the morning before he becomes too agitated

How to keep a dementia patient calm during showering

General thoughts to ensure bathing is a pleasant experience:

You need to stay calm. If you stay calm, your loved one will stay calm.

Remember, it's not what you say but how you make them feel.

Pay attention to your body language. If you smile and sing or hum a sweet tune, your LO will do the same thing. Bathing should take place at the same time every time. You don't have to bathe them every day but having a routine will help limit the agitation level of your LO.

Why does my dad not want to shower?

I don't know why he doesn't like to shower now. He used to shower every day before the Dementia diagnosis. He doesn't like to change his clothes or change his pull-ups/ diapers. He says he is cold. He has lost his ability to tell me how he feels. He doesn't use his senses. He says he is cold but the house could be warm. He says he feels great but he hurt his shoulder. What can you do when your loved one cannot tell you how they feel?

be observant

write down behaviors

be objective when you watch them

don't assume how they feel

keep a chart of activities, daily routines

What is a morning routine for a dementia patient?

Every day after our morning routine, I take my dad's photo showing what he is wearing.

If he gets lost, I have a current photo on hand. The photo also helps, the next day, I show him his picture and tell him he has to change his clothes.

How to avoid caregiver burnout?

Avoid caregiver burnout

Care for yourself

Dementia is an umbrella of various diseases

How to help a dementia Pat shower


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